三清山世界地质公园位于江西省上饶市境内,面积433平方公里,包括三清山主景区、怀玉山景区和紫湖景区。主峰玉京峰海拔1819.9米,因玉京、玉虚、玉华三峰峻拔,宛如道教玉清、上清、太清三位尊神列坐山巅而得名“三清山”。于2012年9月加入联合国教科文组织世界地质公园网络,是中国东南部的一座以中生代花岗岩和元古代—古生代地层为主组成的具有丰富地质遗迹与独特地质地貌现象的自然地理区域。 三清山世界地质公园地处扬子与华夏古板块结合带,犹如一部地球科学的巨著,记录了地球近8亿年来的演化发展历史,遗存有沉积学、地层学、岩石学、构造地质学、地貌学等多学科价值的珍贵地质遗迹,保存了具有2亿多年演化更替历史的珍稀生物群落;拥有类型齐全、特征典型、分布集中的花岗岩微地貌现象,花岗岩地貌与生态、气象的巧妙融合并以奇特的景观形式,展示了杰出的自然美,是世界花岗岩山岳峰林景观的典型代表。一千多年人与自然共同发展的历史,给公园留下了丰富的文化遗产,其中按照中国道学“天人合一”思想创建的古建筑遗址景观,被誉为“中国道教古建筑的露天博物馆”。
Sanqingshan UNESCO Global Geopark, a natural geographic area in the southeast of China, is mainly composed of Mesozoic granite and Paleozoic stratum with rich geosites and unique geological landforms, and is located at the junction of the Yangtz Plate and Huaxia Ancient Plate, the southeast of the Eurasian Plate and the active area of the Pacific Plate.
The geopark is just like a great work of earth science, recording  1 billion year's of the history of the earth's evolution, and retaining valuable geosites for the study of many disciplines such as sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, petrology, geotectology, geodynamics and geomorphology; it preserves a valuable and rare biocenosis of 200-million-year evolution history as an original ecological biological park; it maintaint granite micro-topography phenomenon of all types, typical characteristics and centralized distribution. It is also a natural museum of granite geological geomorphology and a typical example of the world landscape of granite mountains and peaks due to the unique landscape forms and the outstanding natural beauty displayed by the magical integration of granite landform, ecology and atmosphere; it has rich cultural heritage in the 1000-year history and joint development between humanity and nature, especially  the ancient building sites, created according to the Chinese Taoist concept that humans are an integral part of nature, which is honored as an open-air museum of ancient Chinese Taoist buildings.
Sanqingshan is a precious natural heritage for humankind. Sanqingshan UNESCO Global Geopark is a typical example of 1000-year harmonious development between human beings and nature and also a large national geopark founded by the Chinese government to protect nature and the environment to advance culture and science.

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